Here is an old blog of mine from September 18, 2009 which I will re-post as it fits this time of year.
When I got up this morning for the first time in many, many months, I could feel the change in the air in Arizona. It is usually so hot here that it is unbearable but this morning, there was a cool, soft, gentle breeze. My little dog was outside and he hates to come in whether it is hot or cool and I could tell this morning that he noticed a difference as he sniffed the air with his little nose stuck up and would have loved to stay longer as I wished we could.
You can see the subtle changes in the vegetation, the sky and the air when September comes. It is not like when I lived in the midwest where it was more obvious with the impending cooler weather. There, the leaves would start turning from green to brilliant reds, rusts and golds. Soon they would start falling from the trees leaving them almost bare-like skeletons. I remember usually the first week in September, it was cool, the days turned considerably shorter and the kids were back in school. People were already thinking ahead to Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and what to do for the holidays.
It was time to get out the sweaters and jackets and one almost always needed one when going out in the evening. Football games, bonfires, wienie roasts and various school functions all come to mind when Fall approaches and I miss that from my childhood.
It is a bit different here in Arizona since we do not get the great change in the seasons as a lot of states have but I can tell Fall is coming in other ways. I look out on the lake behind the house – the water is rippling from the cool breeze and sparkling like diamonds and the ducks have now returned to float lazily on the cool blue water. I love watching them paddling on the water and especially watching when they come in like a jet plane to make a big splash on the lake and join their friends who have already arrived ahead of them. They don’t have a care in the world and never worry about sinking in the water or failing. They are really an inspiration to mankind. They know they can do it and it’s just wonderful to watch them. When I see them, I know Fall is not far behind.
A lot of us have already started thinking about moving the summer clothes out of the closet and adding more fall-like items like some lightweight sweaters and slacks instead of the pretty hot pink and lime colors of our clothes in summer. You hate to see those pretty feminine colors go but you know they will be back next year and in the meantime, darker colors that we all love, especially black which has always been a favorite of everyone for many reasons. Not only does it make one look a lot slimmer, including me, but it is very sophisticated and mysterious and one always looks so elegant in it. It is one of the colors that men like best on women and it is definitely one of my favorites!
I love the pastel peignoirs, nightgowns and sets as they are always basics to our lingerie wardrobe but it is nice to add a few darker jewel-tone colors as well. Unfortunately, as far as the vintage nightgowns and peignoir sets go, they are not easy to find and have been much harder to find in the past years.
The pastels dominate the peignoir sets which is fine because they are always so feminine but it is always nice to add a couple of the other bolder shades.
Olga is one of the few vintage manufacturers that produced the deeper jewel-tone shades in nightgowns, peignoirs and peignoir sets and she has always been one of my favorites for her spandex lace nightgowns’ fit which is loved by so many. Plus, her darker shades of nightgowns are just gorgeous although difficult to find.
Here is a small sampling of jewel-tone Olga nightgowns and set which are shown under “Nightgowns – Vintage” and “Peignoir Sets – Vintage.”
Now is also the time to think of a nice warm robe which will be pure luxury to put on for those cold rainy nights when coming home from a hard day of work. It’s funny how as soon as you change your clothes and put on one of your beautiful robes or peignoir and gown sets, you immediately feel revived and beautiful.
The most luxurious robe that you can buy is the fabulous Diamond Tea robes which are my very favorite together with the vintage late ‘60s / early ‘70s quilted robes from Hong Kong.
A few luxurious Diamond Tea velvet velour robes:

As I always say when describing one of those fabulous quilted robes “I remember when I was growing up that I wanted one of those expensive quilted robes from Hong Kong but there was just no way that it was possible as they were very expensive and sols only at the very finest stores like I. Magnin, Saks Fifth Avenue, Neiman Marcus, etc. Now many, many years later, I have a very large collection of these beautiful robes in various gorgeous colors.”
Here is just a small example of a few of those wonderful vintage quilted robes from Hong Kong shown under “Sleep – Robes and Dressing Gowns.”
These robes are such easy care and the majority are washable and they come out of the dryer looking beautiful. What more could one ask?
That is what vintage lingerie does – it makes one look beautiful and transports one back to the glamorous days of the ’50, ‘60s and ‘70s and that is why I love it as much as I do!